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Latest Ads in Lexington City
The very best of downtown living with a location that can't be beat! Fantastic corner unit loft overlooking Triangle Park and Rupp Arena. Open concept living area features floor to ceiling windows...
This is a bankruptcy listing, this property will be sold or auctioned due to the owner's bankruptcy proceedings. These listings often represent an opportunity for buyers to acquire properties at a...
This charming second-floor condo features a cozy balcony perfect for enjoying your morning coffee. The eat-in kitchen and spacious dining offers a welcoming space for meals, while the generously...
Open house Sunday 1:00-3:00! This beautifully refreshed townhome featuring fresh paint throughout, offers 2 spacious bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Located in a highly desirable area of Lexington, this...
Easy Street should have been the address for this move in ready condo in the heart of Hamburg. Why? To begin with, this place has the most amazing floor plan. Check out the natural light filled main...
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